While travelling back home with a friend from a party, he poured his heart out about his girlfriend. There was a point during the conversation that he mentioned he asked the girl is it so wrong to love you so much?
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Loving Someone So Much
Posted by
3:48 AM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Unbearable Nights
Some nights can be so unbearable. You want to cry but you cant. You asked yourself why cry when you can just laugh about it? I tried to laugh but the tears just flowing down your eyes, too. You tried wiping away all the tears but it just keeps on flowing until you swear to yourself and said cry and get it over with.
Cry for goodness sake! But every tear fell would not equal those years I had with you. It would just like every bit of emotions I would want to lose loving you but really cant. For how -- you have made me so become familiar with your presence, you have made me want to always be with you, you have made me think its us forever, you have made me believe in you despite of us being worlds apart and you have made me realize loving someone like you is worth all these pains i am feeling right now.
They dont know how it hurts inside. Losing someone you cherished the most to always hold...letting go of someone you always dreamed of being one with you one day...
Every corner of this room, every pages of our pictures together, every memories of your laughter stuck in my head, every loving words you told that stays into the deepest of my heart...
Just tell me the hell how can i let go, forget and leave all things behind us NOW?
Posted by
4:37 AM
Monday, December 24, 2007
The One For You
"What if someone you never met
Someone you never saw
Is that someone only for you?"
Watching the movie, I still feel so in-love with many of the scenes. The caption just fits right to it. But nowadays, where is this possible? While watching, they are still using snail mail as a sign of communication from one state to another. Now, we already have emails, mobile phones and chat rooms. And the only thing that came to my mind is this: people who will fit this caption is the people you are chatting with.
In a radio station that I'm listening to one night, they stated that you might end up with someone you don't really like. Like a black men. And they laughed about it. Now, that's clearly very offensive. I believe whatever the color/race of a person, if you fell in love, this would be a nonsense of your usual "what-kind-of-person-i-like-to-end-up-with". Love can be given and shared with you by someone either she/he is black, brown or white.
Romeo decided to poison himself because the mail that Juliet sent to him was delayed. Lucky are we, I can say. Now, it'll just be a laughing stock to us. Our oldies ended up with their love ones through snail mail. Who knows, you might end up with your chat mate?
Posted by
3:15 AM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
A Glimpse of the Future
I'd see if you and I were meant to be
but I don't know any magic
and tomorrow's just a dream
then something in this fantasy is real..."
It was a lazy afternoon and I was just listening to my collection of audio cd's. One of the songs that usually captures my heart is the song "If I Believe" by Patti Austin.
These line, even if we admit it or not, we have wished it one time in our life. I did. But not just once. Actually, a lot of times usually when you are watching Harry Potter. As for me, I wished that I had it during the time that me and my boyfriend are still together. It usually concerns us if we are going to end up with our current relationship one day.
I know basic palmistry reading. My officemates usually would irritate me to death, just kidding, to read their palms.Things like what is in store for them in the future or would they have a fruitful relationship. I really don't wanna be specific as to what I can see in their palms because I myself is avoiding to read what is in store for me.
Although, at times, I wish there are two lines who would join together [lol].
Posted by
2:59 AM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Signs: Our Very Own Version of this Movie

Now, this is not something that the alien worked on. It is our fellow farmers who did it. Along the way to Sagada, you can find a lot of these!
Posted by
4:18 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
A Time For Yourself
Traffic jams. Noises. Smokes. High-rise buildings. Loud crowd. Extravagant dresses. Fancy dine outs.
You are in the city -- no doubt.
I decided to put a stop on the traffic light. I chose to go somewhere where it is somewhere quiet. Where all you can see are clogs -- clouds and fogs. Where mountains are higher than houses and there are only but a few buildings. The dresses are just in tune with the weather of the place. And where there are no Mc Do's, Jollibee's, Chowking's or even fine dining resto's.
I made my goal by reaching Sagada. I have been planning to go here since the first half of this year but due to a tight workload and schedules that are not in tune with others, I have done it only this last week of November.
The adventures are mountain trekking and the cinematic views are not coming from any Hollywood movies but from the nature itself. I took the time out on viewing videos from YouTube and just recorded the Mother Nature on my digicam.
It is very refreshing. On top of all, I can say, what a break and what a wonderful experience apart from your usual everyday life.
Posted by
4:28 AM
Friday, December 14, 2007
I am In-Love With My Gadgets
When it comes to gadgets, I always consider one thing before buying it: comfort feeling towards it. I should have a personal attachment to it. I always tell myself this is the thing that I am going to hold always.
I don't go for branded gadgets. Even though I want this gadget but if this comfort feeling was not felt once I hold it and I don't like it instantly, I won't buy it. Seeing it in the catalog is different when seeing it in personal.
Recently, when I bought my mp3 player, I had the model A in my mind but when I saw it -- it's very different when I saw it and there's no connection the moment I hold it. You may think it's kinda strange it, huh. And so, I decided not to buy it. The model B was the other option and holy spaghetti!!! I love it right away! And when I asked for the specs, I became in-love with it more.
Another thing, I am not the best person that you can drag if you want to buy your gadget. My officemate dragged me one day to buy her chosen cellphone. I told her I might not the best companion in buying it but she insisted. By the time that I saw the product, I didn't feel that connection. My mind's made up. I don't like it. But for jeez sake, I am not the one who is going to buy it! Not just because I don't like it but because there's a lot of flaws in the warranty. I explained it to her and she understood and did not bu the product.
Instant connection, personal attachment, love at first sight but still knowing the qualities. Just like being in-love the usual way with someone. This is me when I am in-love with my gadgets and they will be my gadget for life.
Posted by
5:27 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Christmas Parties
Recently, I have to decide whether I need to attend a party of our company or the party of an organization I belong to. I chose the latter. It's a very small crowd and there's also a lot of things to learn. We have a lot of speakers who will tackle about how to make money and how you can survive a money crisis. And there's also a part that some of the donations that was given by the sponsors will be given to a charity.

So, going to this party is really a better choice, I can say.
And the most beautiful part of it, is that, I get to win one of the most wonderful prize that night.
Posted by
3:57 AM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Timeless Piece
I keep all the emails that i like and has touched my heart a lot. One of them is this piece:
Are you a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime?
People come into your life for a reason, a season, or alifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will knowwhat to do for each person.
When someone is in your life for a REASON. . .It is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually.They may seem like a godsend, and they are! They are there forthe reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrong doing on your part or at aninconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bringthe relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die.
Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desirefulfilled, their work is done.The prayer you sent up has been answered.And now it is time to move on.
When people come into your life for a SEASON it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They bring you anexperience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach yousomething you have never done. They usually give you anunbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real!
But, only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas ofyour life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank you for being a part of my life.
Stop here and just SMILE.
Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
And dance like no one is watching.
~Author Unknown~"
Posted by
3:26 AM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Friendship with Sel
Generations nowadays are luckier than our oldies. Just imagine talking real-time to someone across the sea now compared to our oldies who are sending letters to their friends abroad and waiting for the reply after a week or worst, months!
I've been an online chatter freak at one point in my life admittedly. By the time i got bored doing it, I already gained friends and one of them is Sel from Turkey.
Our friendship started when he was finishing his bachelor's degree. English was not their primary language but he has to write his defense papers. I thought him some basics about English, correct him when he's wrong (he's actually encouraging me to do that) and defining words that he wants me to define for him.
The help even extended to his love life. There was a time that he and his girlfriend broke up and got back after sometime. He asked me if giving her a necklace is fine and I told him yes and a lot more worries from him. We lost communication for a while as he has to serve his military duty.
A year after, while updating my blogs, he suddenly appeared on the Yahoo Messenger asking me how am I doing. He told me that he is now a CPA. He got his Masteral's degree after serving in the military. And most especially, he still have the same girl in his life. After seven long years, he said.
That's good to know. But what's touching of all is when he told me he considers me as her teacher [I feel old!). Not just in English but to a lot of things. And he even said that he is grateful for our friendship. That I am still there and that I still remember him after all these years.
He is just one of my many friends online. Nowadays, its possible to have a friend that you haven't seen yet but already established a connection with.
I hope you have one, too! :)
Posted by
5:41 AM
Monday, November 19, 2007
This is one of my most cherished poems (or can you call it a poem? I don't know). It was given to me by one of my most cherished (again?) friend...
by: PROS
When you start to hate yourself
Remember those who love you
When you feel afraid
Remember those you made brave
Whenever you are weak
Remember those you made stronger
And whenever you start to doubt yourself
Remember those who believe in you.
Posted by
3:49 AM
Under The Tuscan Sun

And I thought...oh yeah! Well, I guess you need to be specific with your wishes :)
Posted by
3:34 AM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
To Commit or not to Commit
Posted by
2:10 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007
On Being an Unwed Mother
When I was in high school, I have a lot of different things that's going on in my mind. One of them is skipping the marriage part . I just want a baby of mine. I asked myself where did this idea came from. Coming from a very normal and complete family the answer is I don't know.
This became a truce between me and my friends that before we reach 30, we should already have a child of or our own. Kind of weird but that's us.
As time passes by, life takes us all on a different course. I decided I will wait until I got married. I told myself -- to hell with the truce. One of us had to abort her baby and the other one recently found out that she's pregnant. She decided to go on with the pregnancy. She is not thinking of settling down with the father of the child.
Eventhough I truly believe in the sanctity of marriage, I also believe in finding your own happiness. If the child has been "created" out of mistake, don't make another mistake of forcing yourself into marriage if you think it will do you both no good. My point of view is that if you're after the sake of the child, think long-term. If ever you chose to get married but the child will just grow up in a very dysfunctional family, it will not bring any good results for the child either.
Parenting can still be achieved even if you're not in a complete family just make sure that you two are both commited on supporting and loving your child.
Posted by
1:28 AM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Only You Knows Yourself Best
What do you usually experience after a break-up? The usual "maybe you were wrong in some way..", "you could have done this to save it..." or something like this: "you already have the best and you let it slip away".
These are voices that's inside you hear or worst, from the people who knew the relationship from start to end.
In any case, I knoew clearly what I want. That's why it ended. In my head: It has to end. Because it's the rightest thing to do.
People may interfere your thoughts at times like these. Which has happened to me. And these are the things I did:
I listened
I tried to understand
And then I weighed things
In the end, I told myself what you did was right. I learned to listen, understand and analyze things. If only they are right, I can accept it. In my case, I can confidently say, I am correct.
So when you reached this decision, just listen to the upcoming events or comments then move on with your life is the next best thing to do. This is to make room for new emotions/ feelings and trash the old ones. Always remember, there is always something new in store for you.
Posted by
2:20 AM
Friday, November 2, 2007
There are a lot of temptations during the first days, weeks or months of your break-up. For me, one of those is going back to him. There are nights you wish that the person behind the ringing phone is him and you would be highly disappointed when it's not him [although you are already expecting it's not him].
But there are nights when you are no longer expecting a call and he would call. At the start, it's just the nonsense hi's, hello's or the usual how are you now. And as the conversation goes, he would say maybe our relationship is worth another try. And when I say no, he would say, maybe we can still be the best of friends.
Oh, how I wish we can give it another try. But at the back of my mind, it's not worth it anymore.
I have nothing against couples being friends after breaking up. But at least give me some space to recover. I cant't just act normal as if nothing horrible after three years. And all of these would roll your head off thinking why can't you just stop thinking about these things and just give it another try?
Temptations, temptations and temptations... These are the moments when you wish that a wrong is just the rightest thing to do. But that's a BIG NO.
Posted by
5:17 AM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Rest is what i don't want to do these times. When I'm resting, you think things. And usually, you think of things you want -- the ones you want to cherish. And that one thing you want and cherish is the one thing that breaks your heart. It is like letting myself to rest and get hurt again. Reliving the happy and the not-so-good-happy-part moments. This makes me no different from a masochist. Smiling while crying sometimes. Although tears are getting minimal now. I can smile more nowadays. Just sad to think that with that smile there is no more "him" with me.
And the emptiness.
I thought I will be leaving this place because we already have plans. But no. Im back here. Every night. And feeling so alone. Knowing that its just me and myself again.
But one thing's for sure...i'll get by.
Posted by
3:19 AM
Monday, October 29, 2007
After The Love Has Gone
But I guess the real issue, will you still love again?
One of my bestfriend has been through a lot in the name of love. Heart, body and soul -- that is her way of loving a man. And she even told me, she won't love anybody else after allof what happened. After two years of not talking to each other because both of us are busy,she just one night sent me a chat message saying she is getting married. At first, I didn' t take it seriously.
Posted by
3:28 AM
Friday, October 26, 2007
Posted by
1:59 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Fairy Tales
Funny it may seem but I just found myself looking for all of these movies. There's a little space in my heart that is yearning for that "happy ending" and "they llve happily ever after" phrases. Although in reality, you are just so lucky if it happens to you but I'm just letting this kid at heart in me to overwhelm me at times.
While I am watching then, those good ol' days are coming back to my mind. When I was a kid, I also, too, believe that my prince charming will marry me someday and we will live happily ever after. One part of that, though, i cant relate that much. I'm living in a country that doesnt have prince and princesses so I thought my future man would be someone who is wearing this coat-and-tie suit, working in an office or could be having his own business [a very stable man] and who loves me so much.
But as I grew older, a different kind of love story is shaping up. A lot of heartaches, disillusionment, on and off relationships, jealousy, very sweet at times and sometimes arguing and a lot of mixed emotions. I wonder sometimes, did Cinderela, Snow White or Beauty just not mention that they had these moments before they married their prince? Or the moviemaker just deleted some scenes? Or was it the writer who chose not to write these part of the script in the movie? If these happens to them, will they still end up with Prince? Will they still be living in a happily ever after life?
But, I guess, it's just okay to indulge myself into this kind of thinking once in a while. Honestly, it is just making me feel that one heartbreaking relationship should not stop you from hoping that another great love is just about to come my way.
Posted by
6:09 PM
I dont wan't to think of the happy moment that we have shared together
Beause it wll only make me wish that I could turn back the hands of time
I wish that you were never affectionate, faithful, devoted and true
So that unhappiness would not be felt each time you will not be around
I dont want to see your tears of loneliness and feelings of depression
Because they will only make me wish that I could take away your pains and blues
I wish that you didnt have a permanent and special place in my heart
So that your presence of absence would not make such a difference
[Lifted from the book "Loving in One's Own Way: by J M Lim]
Posted by
4:55 PM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Today When I Die
September 14, 2007. The heart stopped beating. It chose to die. But the heart made sure that the brain still functions for the creation of this blog.
Life is not just about happy moments. When you look back at your years and there is one moment of tears shed, then that's life. Pain. Endurance. Defeat. Loss. Grief. Sadness. The heart embraced all of these before it dies. The heart choses to do this for it will make everything rightt for her and the other person's life related to the life of the man it truly loved, cherished or shall we say still loved until the moment the heart dies.
Looking back, the heart has been living a happy feeling for three years. At times, it gets hurt but because she choose to live, she managed to heal and continue loving. It chose to remind the itself that whatever happens, it will only beat for one man. The man reassures the heart that it will only beat for it. He will only be the man who truly deserves to have this love felt by the heart.
Two hearts struggling for the love to survive. Separated by distance. Longing for each other's presence. The other soul was able to keep the promise alive but the other promisee was able to break loose at some point, done a very terrible mistake. A mistake that can never be undone. But the heart chose to live and accepted the love once promised to be its only breathe. Continue to endure the pain, the misery, the sadness, the distance. Not really knowing that the heart was betrayed a lot of times. Over and over again.
Fate and time decided to intervene. The truth came out. The man who vowed to love the heart has let it out. All of it. The heart was badly bleeding. Every details is like a cut to the heart making it suffer more on the sad truth.
And when everything was said and done, the heart smiled and chose to let go of the pain. Free the soul she chose to have her heart beating for so many years. The other soul still wants to renew the love for the heart but the heart chose to let go and chose to die.
To the heart who has truly love for years and never ever regret doing it....this is for you.
Posted by
5:11 AM